
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hatio Cloth Diaper

Hatio, from the Little Shrimp Going Green, USA

Organic One Size Pocket Cloth Diaper with Bamboo Insert

Benefits of Hatio Cloth Diaper:

>Uniquely designed to allow 3 sizes in one.
>It has three rows of snaps along both sides of the diaper, this one-size diaper fits new-borns to toddlers (7lbs to 30lbs).
>These pocket diapers have a layer of bamboo fibers sewn to the waterproof cover. An opening in the front can be stuffed with bamboo insert or any absorbent layer.
>Save money - Cloth diaper is reusable after washing.
>Easy to wash
>Waterproof in the outside to avoid leakage**

**Note: It depends on the age of your baby when it comes to leakage. For older babies, it is advisable to change the cloth diapers every 2 hours, younger infant can be longer.

Bamboo is a new fabric for the diapering world. It is made from Bamboo trees and is known for its velvety softness and environmental friendliness. Bamboo fabric is much softer and safer than cotton. Conventionally-grown cotton is a major user of harmful pesticides. Contrary to cotton, however, bamboo is a very abundant plant, growing quickly and easily. It can thrive naturally without the use of pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers. Be a smart parent, make smart decision to ensure your little one is safe and happy!!!

Other benefits of Bamboo Cloth Diaper:

* High moisture absorption - proven to absorb 60% more than cotton of the same standards.
* Antibacterial and antiallergic by nature - Bamboo fiber has natural elements to help fight bacteria growth.
* Durable and long lasting
* Less bulky than cotton, can be worn all year round

What is included:

Cloth Diaper
Bamboo insert

Care & Wash Instructions:

*Hand wash or machine wash. If it is machine wash, please do not overload your washer. Use Hot or Warm water and cold rinse
*Optional – Add ½ cup of baking soda to cut down odors. ½ Cup of vinegar to soften, whitens, sanitize, remove soap residue and deodorize
*For semi – solid to solid diapers, remove solids into the toilet or trash. After that, wash the diaper. Best to wash diaper as soon as possible

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